Venture capital interviews are much more informal than...
Pop quiz: which of the following 3 questions is most...
В кризис происходит резкая смена внешних условий, драйверов...
Investment Banking is attractive not only to fresh...
9 октября рекрутинговый портал FinExecutive провел...
Совсем недавно Credit Suisse (NYSE: CS), второй по величине...
6 ноября 2014 года состоится открытие программы повышения...
День Карьеры «Недостающее звено» - мероприятие года,...
With the new semester beginning for most MBAs and undergraduates,...
Most investment banks and even some private equity...
You probably weren't thinking about being an investment...
Встречу организует Служба Содействия Трудоустройству...
A Managing Director once told me that he had never...
When you are starting out in your career, the job ads...
Typical background questions include inquiries about...
23 сентября - День открытых дверей в Международной...
Analytical and quantitative questions are more common...
"Warren Buffett" questions are designed to test your...
When the economy is bad and when banks aren't giving...
Статья о FinExecutive появилась на портале Банкир.Ру
"Commitment Questions" are tricky to answer, because...
Teamwork and Leadership Questions are not as common...
You're likely to receive a number of "outside the box"...
Специализация «Авиационный менеджмент (MBA+Пилот)»...
A review of possible exit opportunities on all levels...
These more advanced questions cover topics like the...
You don't need to understand merger models as well...