McKinsey & Company is a leading global management consulting firm. McKinsey has been working with leading organizations in Russia since 1993, serving a wide range of local and international clients, from oil and gas companies to banks and retail networks. McKinsey also works with state entities, international financial organizations, and cultural institutions in the country.
We search for the best talent and go to extraordinary lengths to help the people we hire to succeed by providing them with unrivaled opportunities for growth and global impact.
McKinsey pays great attention to training its people. Although consultants primarily gain new knowledge in the course of their work from their managers, more experienced colleagues, and experts we also have a well-developed training system in place. From their very first days with the company and in later stages of their careers, consultants undertake special training, allowing them to develop knowledge in specific business areas and to masterskills related to teamwork and client interaction. McKinsey also helps its most talented employees to further their learning outside the firm. Over the last 5 years, some 50 business analysts from the Moscow office have earned MBAs from the world s leading business schools.