Real Interview Questions: Investment Banking

<p>Interested in what actually gets asked in a banking interview? Want to know what you may face and what you need to know beforehand? We have helpfully compiled a list of actual interview questions successful candidates received at seven of the top banks in the City.</p>


“I was mainly asked competency based questions such as giving examples of when I have used problem solving skills, etc. I was also asked some broad questions about the financial markets to gauge my understanding.”
“’Why the firm and why the division?’ ‘What spurred my interest in banking?’ Questions around what makes you a credible candidate. Greatest challenges and how you have overcome them.”
“Why do you want to work in investment banking instead of chemistry? A couple of 'situation' questions – e.g. name me a time when you've shown composure/leadership/initiative, etc. Tell me about a financial story you've been following in the news recently.”
“The questions were focused on me clarifying points on my CV, explaining what I know about the company, why I want/should work there and what I thought I would be doing.”
“The interview questions that I was asked were very quantitative – lots of math questions and brain teasers.”
“Economic context questions, e.g. how do you see the Euro crisis? Soft skills questions, e.g. If you could have superpowers which ones would it be?”
“What has been the greatest achievement in your life so far that you are proud of?”

Deutsche Bank

“They asked questions about my academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as more challenging, detailed questions about the fixed income business, such as options, term structures, credit issues, market conditions, etc., Which division and department I am interested in and why, and quizzed me on my general career goals.”
“The questions were very technical and involved, talking about oil and bonds prices, and deriving their relationships.”
“Interviews were mostly geared toward determining to what extent I was familiar with the differences between different investment banking activities, such as equity sales vs. Credit training.”
“What do you think are going to be the two most important determining factors for the economy in the next few years?”
“Why are you in London?”
“Have you ever had to deal with difficult people?”

BNP Paribas

“I was asked my opinion on where I thought oil prices would move in the next 6 months, was tested on my mental arithmetic and the theory I had learnt at University.”

Credit Suisse

“I interviewed with the quantitative group so the majority of the questions I was asked were mathematical. I was given a few puzzles and algorithms.”
“The questions asked in my interview covered everything from personal interests to technical questions and career aspirations.”
Analyst, Investment Banking
“The interview will test your technical, numerical, communication and soft skills, as well as market awareness.”
Analyst, Investment Banking
“They asked why I was interested in investment banking, what I knew about it, why I wanted to join Credit Suisse, why I chose equities, why not another department, my experience in finance and understanding the markets, and what sort of extracurricular activities I like.”
Analyst, Investment Banking

J.P. Morgan

“What do you know about J.P. Morgan?”
“What do you know about finance?”
“What motivates you?”
“What three things would your friends say about you?”
“Tell me about a current issue that you are interested in.”

Morgan Stanley

“Why did you choose your A-levels?”
“How can you relate your studies and experience to your work with us?”
“What skills do you think you can bring to us?”
“Have you ever made a mistake? Tell us about it.”
“What is the most difficult decision you've had to make?”

Goldman Sachs

“What do you know about Goldman Sachs?”
“Why this division? What do you know about it? Describe what we do in this division.”
“What would you do if I gave you 5 million pounds?”
“If I give you £1,000 to invest for a year where do you invest it?”
“Give me an example of something you had to do under time pressure.”
“Why Goldman Sachs more than bank x?”
“Can you tell me what exactly you did at x and y when you did work experience?”
- Previously published at

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